Old Montréal
Mulholland & Baker in 1873
Date of formation : 1859

In 1873, the firm of Mulholland & Baker had existed for 14 years. Specializing in the importation and wholesaling of hardware and iron goods, the company maintained its offices in rented premises at 421 St. Paul Street (today, 171 St. Paul Street West) while its warehouse and yard were situated nearby at 25-35 St. François-Xavier Street. The firm’s founding partners were Henry Mulholland, formerly associated with Benjamin Brewster in a hardware concern, and Joel C. Baker, a newcomer to the business.

When Mulholland and Baker formed their partnership in April 1859, they declared their occupations as iron and hardware merchants. During the first decade of operations, they joined in at least one venture, in 1867, with a manufacturer and two other hardware merchants to obtain nails. In exchange for the delivery of iron and machine tools, the manufacturer agreed to supply each of the hardware dealers with 500 tons of nails per year. In later years the firm broadened its activities by importing its own raw materials and by manufacturing nails itself. The scope of the business is suggested by a description published in the Lovell’s directory of 1876-1877: “Importers of hardware, iron, steel, tin, Canada plates, window glass; manufacturers of cut nails, and also of the new chisel pointed cut nail”. Their clients consisted of small shopkeepers, as well as merchants, blacksmiths and farriers who operated in the central and southern parts of the province of Quebec. The company was dissolved in 1879.

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Last updated: January 27, 2005